Residents Wishing to Address the Board

Regular Board of Trustees Meetings take place at 7:30pm every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Riverwoods Village Hall and the meeting Agenda/Packets are posted on the Village Meetings Calendar.  Each Board of Trustees Meeting has time set aside for residents, who wish to bring matters before the Board. 
Residents wishing to address the entire Board of Trustees via email, may send their message to  In order to stay in compliance with the Open Meetings Actelected officials may not "reply to all" if the list of email recipients consists of two or more elected officials.  Upon receipt of the email by the Office of the Mayor, an assignment of responsibility will be made and the reply will be sent by the Office of the Mayor.  Periodically, a log of emails received by the Office of the Mayor will be provided to the Board of Trustees including the general topic, the date received, and the date of the reply, if a reply was appropriate.

Minutes and videos of past meetings, as well as agendas for upcoming meetings, can be found on the Village Calendar page.