Factors of Oak Decline | by: Dr. Kevin Chase, PhD, Entomologist 

Observations of declining oak species across large geographic regions are increasing. The convergence of  multiple stress factors, both abiotic and biotic, can lead to widespread tree declines. These factors include extreme  shifts in soil moisture conditions, proliferation of root diseases, and secondary infestations of wood boring pests.  Trees in advanced stages of decline may not recover, but if the decline is detected early enough, remedial treatments  may be able to aid recovery.  

Figure 1: Declining oak

What is a Decline?

A decline is a loss of vigor (health) and vitality (endurance) caused by the accumulation of multiple biotic and abiotic stress factors. This term can be applied to an individual tree or a population of one or more species. A species decline occurs when widespread abiotic conditions, such as drought or excess soil moisture, stress a population of trees and interact with secondary infestations of disease and insects.

Since declines occur due to a complex of factors interacting over time and symptoms are often not immediately apparent, it can be difficult to identify a tree in the early stages of decline. This explains why it may seem like an apparently healthy tree “died overnight.” Extreme temperature shifts are also a major contributing factor to tree declines. White oaks are generally more tolerant than red oaks, but earlier springs, hotter summers, and longer autumns, are impacting both oak groups.

Abiotic Factors 

When waterlogging or drought occurs across an area,  this can predispose trees to secondary diseases and  insect attacks, especially if these abiotic stressors occur  across multiple years. Oaks existing in poorly draining soils, such as clay and compacted soils, are more prone  to flooding stress during periods of heavy rainfall.  Flooded conditions can lead to anaerobic (oxygen depleted) environments where roots can become limited or die. Waterlogged conditions also predispose  oaks to root rot diseases. Trees in soils with limited water-holding capacity, such as sand, are more  susceptible to stress during droughts. 

Figure 2: Phytophthora canker on oak

Decline-Associated Diseases 

The two major diseases associated with declines in  eastern North America are Phytophthora root rot and  basal canker (Figure 2) and Armillaria root rot. Both  diseases are associated with flooding, and Armillaria can also be found after periods of drought. Hypoxylon canker is also associated with declining oaks. Other regional diseases can kill oaks outright. Examples  include bacterial leaf scorch, oak wilt (distributed in  the Midwest, Texas, and parts of the east coast), and sudden oak death (found only on the west coast). 

Decline-Associated Insects 

Primary wood-boring insects do not attack healthy  oaks in eastern North America. In California, the  goldspotted oak borer (Agrilus coxalis) can kill healthy  oaks. When oaks become stressed, they release  chemical compounds detectable by secondary wood borers that attack the trees. Some of these pests are the  black stem borer (Xylosandrus germanus, an ambrosia  beetle), the granulate ambrosia beetle (X. crassiusculus,  Figure 3), the two-lined chestnut borer (Agrilus  bilineatus, a flatheaded borer) and the red oak borer  (Enaphalodes rufulus, a long-horned beetle). Some  defoliating insects, such as gypsy moth (Lymantria  dispar) and winter moth (Operophtera brumata), can  predispose trees to decline, especially after consecutive  years of defoliation and in conjunction with a flood or  drought event. 

Figure 3: Granulated ambrosia beetle

Remediation and Management 

Encouraging overall plant health is the best way to  prevent a tree from succumbing to decline. For urban  and landscape trees this means trying to mimic forest  conditions. The first step is determining the soil  chemistry (pH, nutrient levels, organic matter) and  texture. Prescribed fertilization treatments, based on  soil analysis results, in combination with cultural  treatments such as proper water management and  mulching to the drip line with wood chips, will reduce  the likelihood of oak decline. These treatments are  more effective when applied proactively before decline  begins.  

If detected early enough, preventive disease and insect  pest applications can ward off further decline while  cultural issues are remediated. Unfortunately, once a  decline is set in motion, it can be challenging to reverse  since it is associated with a complex of problems!  Predictions of warmer and longer summers mixed  with more extreme weather events may not bode well  for the future of our landscape oaks. Since it is difficult  to reverse decline in a mature tree, it is vital to ensure healthy growing conditions throughout its life.  

For more information on Oak Diseases and Oak Decline click here to view the presentation by the Riverwoods Village Ecologist.